Technicolor PULSE Platform

Table Content

Results & Learning



  • Lead UX/UI designer - Me
  • Product manager
  • Engineering teams (Front-end & back-end)


April 2018 - Feb 2019


  • Undertook the design, prototyping, and internal user testing
  • Carried out a UX overhaul to improve the efficiency of data table


PULSE is a cloud-based browser storage solution that enables collaborative post-production workflows among Production Coordinators, Editors, and Visual Effects Vendors. The Onset Data Application is one of PULSE's features that provides an overview of all the materials that were captured and archived during production, and automates ALEs (camera and shot metadata) to split takes.


Our aim is to streamline and automate the management of the complex process involved in verifying all ALE and original camera files (OCF) events organized by shoot dates, which includes storing terabytes of digital camera files, constantly changing rough cut edits, and exchanging files between Production, Editorial, and multiple VFX Vendors.

To achieve this, we plan to develop a smooth workflow and user-friendly data tables that simplify the entire process.


1Gain a comprehensive understanding of the workflows involved in the File Manager and Onset Metadata components

2Develop a file upload feature that provides clear communication of file statuses and offers file filter options

3Streamline the intricate process by redesigning data tables and incorporating interaction design to enhance the user experience and create a more user-friendly UI/UX


To ensure the efficiency of the Onset Data Application, various stakeholders and main users were interviewed to determine their pain points and gain insight into their overall processes. The key takeaways from these interviews are as follows:

1An upload feature is necessary for ALEs and Manifest records. Vendors, producers, or editors had to previously manually upload ALEs files and meticulously cross-checked and validated ALEs and Manifest records.

2It is important to establish a file status validation system and develop an effective filter system.

3Information processing on data tables should be made cleaner and more efficient.


1Define the workflow

The Onset Data Application deals with the storage of enormous amounts of digital camera files, constantly changing rough cut edits, and the transfer of files between Production, Editorial, and multiple VFX Vendors. The goal is to empower every user involved in the process by automating tasks and providing transparent communication of file statuses, along with a well-designed filter system.

2Visibility of system status

To ensure a user-friendly experience while displaying a large amount of information, I focused on simplifying the interface to track a significant number of files per upload, while maintaining the design system established by the previous designer. To achieve this, I created a color-coding system that provides clear visual cues at a glance, allowing for easier visibility of the system status. I defined and maintained additional components to accommodate new applications.

3Data Table UX Revamp


Despite being a visual improvement from Excel sheets, the data table was still excessively loaded with information and proved ineffective in displaying data. Validating data was a time-consuming task, as it required scanning through numerous columns and rows.


To expedite the processing of data tables, I implemented various UX improvements, including:



When designing data tables for technical users, it's important to prioritize functionality and efficiency. I need to consider the specific needs of the users and their workflows, use clear and concise language, and provide the necessary context for the data. Finally, it is important to engage with the users throughout the design process to gain feedback and ensure the data table is tailored to their specific requirements.


The OnSet MetaData Application was initially launched as a Beta version in Fall 2018 and gradually integrated into ongoing and upcoming productions in collaboration with stakeholders who were receptive to using a newly introduced product.

The following feedback and insights were garnered:

After several months of prioritizing customer support, incorporating Design and Development iterations, and receiving candid feedback from our users, we officially launched the application to all content partners in Spring 2019.

Some of the noteworthy credits that leveraged PULSE to automate their post-production workflow include: